The sweetest slut of all

She was the sweetest slut
That I have ever met.
She had handcuffs in her wardrobe
And rose petals on her bed.

She had butt plugs in the kitchen
And a vibrator in the hall.
She had a teddy on her pillow.
She was the sweetest slut of all.


21 responses

  1. such a romantic title,Kyle

    12.09.29 at 22.29

  2. This little piece of candy needs to be properly coupled with the visual arts, sort of Winnie the Pooh style.

    12.06.04 at 18.43

    • ooh i think i might have just the image – nice call

      12.06.04 at 20.08

  3. TemptingSweets99


    12.06.03 at 21.27

    • good *smiling back*

      12.06.03 at 22.20

  4. Sounds like a real honey bunny.

    12.06.03 at 16.31

  5. Haha, very interesting, loving the stark contrasts, the duality of woman x

    12.06.03 at 08.12

    • i’m glad you got the point my friend x

      12.06.03 at 10.52

  6. what are butt plugs? just askin’

    12.06.02 at 21.22

  7. Now that’s a contrast!

    12.06.02 at 21.21

  8. ¦ >

    12.06.02 at 20.41

  9. Butt plugs and a teddy — awre!

    12.06.02 at 20.33

    • girly pink butt plugs too

      12.06.02 at 21.11

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